
The Templemans of Merriott

Earliest Mention in Merriott Records – the 17th Century

The Templeman family appeared from the earliest times in the Parish Registers, as well as being mentioned in the Hearth Tax Rolls for 1664-5. Most of the males seem to have married outside the Parish.  By the middle of the 19th Century there are very few mentions of the surname in Merriott; only one in the records of the 20th Century.  Some of the Templemans were well-to-do, owning land.  Templeman’s Lane is presumably named after the family.

Three Templeman males are mentioned in the 1685 Monmouth Roll of Rebels:  (see also:  The Monmouth Rebellion)

Templeman, John, of Merriott  rebel in Monmouth’s army and not taken(CP); proposed for pardon; rick of wheat confiscated Jan. 12 (TB); pardon of all treasons, April 14 1686 (CSPD, J2, II, 404)
Templeman, Richard, of Merriott rebel in Monmouth’s army and not taken (CP).
Templeman, Thomas, of Merriott rebel in Monmouth’s army and not taken (CP).

The Somerset Record Office holds the following items:
DDSP/1693/5  Inventory for Thomas Templeman of Merriott, dated 1693.
: Examinations.   Evidence is given by Wilmont Pitcher 
of Merriott that she is with child by William Tempelman the younger of Merriott, Girthwebb (?) weaver, who had carnal knowledge of the informant’s body in Crewkerne field.  Dated 15 November 1658.    A later piece:
Q/SR/98/25:  Calendar of prisoners in the common gaol at Ilchester to appear before the Quarter sessions on 12 April 1659 taken by William Lacy, High Sheriff of Somerset.  Prisoners include:  William (? Wilmont) Pitcher of Merriott, Single Woman.  Dated: 1659.
Q/SR/111/2-3 Information and Examinations.   Evidence given by John Templeman, Robert Lawrence and Simon Templeman, all of Merriott, in a case concerning the alleged theft of faggots by Ames Lawrence, of same.  JP: Edward Phellipps.   Dated 10 June 1668.
Q/SR/303/132: Examination and confession.   Evidence given by Elizabeth Annly, formerly in service with John Templeman of Merriott, in which she confesses to having taken items of clothing from her master’s house and hidden them in a hedge.  JPs:  Adam Martin, John Rodbard.  Dated 10 Sep 1735.

The National Archives has the will of John Templeman, husbandman of Merriott, dated 22 Nov 1586.   The catalogue reference is PROB 11/58.

MARRIAGES – 17th Century

28 March 1653 Thomas Templeman Son of William Templeman of Merriott m Joan Bauley
1 July 1700 William Templeman m Jane Hearne

3 July 1655 Elizabeth Templeman Daughter of John Templeman, of Merriott m Thomas Smyth
7 June 1656 Elner Templeman Daughter to Martyn Templeman; of Merriott m William Sumons
17 January 1669 Joane Templeman m John Smyth
3 April 1676 Christian Templeman m William Conway
30 April 1672 Catharine Templeman m Edward Merefield
1 June 1674 Elizabeth Templeman m William Balch?
1 June 1674 Martha Templeman m Thomas Willye

BAPTISMS – 17th Century (and Burials where indicated)

Giles & Elner Templeman Baptism 28 January 1648 Thomas
William & An Templeman Baptism 1 May 1648 William
William & Mary Templeman Baptism 10 February 1649 Christian (a daughter)
Baptism 18 July 1653 Martha
Birth 1 September 1655 Sarah
George & Elizabeth Templeman Baptism 11 June 1651 Elizabeth
Baptism 8 April 1653 John
Birth 22 January 1654 William
Birth 25 August 1656 Phillip
Birth 3 November 1656 A child
Thomas & Philip Templeman Birth 1 June 1654 Elizabeth
Daniel Templeman Baptism 22 September 1661 Thomas
Baptism 12 May 1667 Daniell
Burial 5 July 1668 A child
Burial 23 March 1672 Phillip (daughter)
William & Lydia Templeman Baptism (day & month not given 1663 Sarah
Baptism 17 March 1666 Dorothy
Baptism 12 February 1670 William
Baptism 27 February 1676 Mary
George Templeman Baptism 17 July 1666 Phillip (a daughter)
Baptism 30 April 1669 Martyn
Burial 2 May 1669 Martyn
Baptism 19 March 1670 Edith
John Templeman, als Cooper Baptism 20 October 1675 John
Thomas & Mary Templeman Baptism 17 April 1677 Giles Baptism 30 January 1681 Mary
Richard & Fortune Templeman Baptism 29 October 1678 Mary
Baptism 8 November 1682 Richard
Baptism 14 April 1685 Fortune
Baptism 24 January 1686 Giles (twin)
Baptism 24 January 1686 Robert (twin)
Baptism 27 March 1691 Katharine
William & Gwen (?) Templeman Baptism 3 June 1679 Thomas
Daniel & Joan Templeman Baptism 3 May 1680 Joan
Nicholas & Joane Templeman Baptism 29 September 1686 Thomas
Baptism 15 November 1687 Mary
Baptism November. 1688 Thomas
Baptism 26 December 1690 Nicholas
Baptism 27 February 1692 Joane
Baptism 11 April? 1695 Susanna
Birth 25 November 1696 Thomas
Birth 31 March 1698 William
Baptism 19 January 1700 Thomas
Birth 31 January 1700 Thomas
George & Sarah Templeman Baptism 29 June 1687 Sarah
Baptism 5 March 1688 Elizabeth
Birth 6 August 1700 Sarah
Baptism 7 August 1700 Sarah
Giles & Mary Templeman Baptism 6 January 1697 William
Birth 8 December 1697 William
Baptism 3 October 1699 Thomas
Birth 27 September 1699 Thomas
Birth 10 September 1701 Fortune
Baptism 18 September 1701 Fortune
…(illegible) & Joan Templeman Baptism April 1698 William
William & Joan Templeman Birth 3 December 1700 Mary
Baptism 4 December 1700 Mary
Baptism 17 January 1703 Jane
Birth 17 January 1703 Jane
Birth 18 January 1705 Joane
Baptism 10 January 1708 Thomas
Baptism (day & month illegible) 1710 William
F…vitt (illegible) Templeman Baptism 18 January 1705 Joane

BURIALS – 17th Century

13 September 1668 Edward Templeman
30 October 1698 George Templeman
12 December 1676 John Templeman als Cooper
15 October 1682 John Templeman Als Cooper
14 December 1676 Nicholas Templeman of Chinock
9 August 1668 Richard Templeman
16 October 1683 Richard Templeman
9 January 1669 Thomas Templeman
24 October 1686 Thomas Templeman
20 December 1691 Thomas Templeman
25 October 1692 Thomas Templeman
17 January 1696 Thomas Templeman
20 March 1700 Thomas Templeman
30 May 1671 William Templeman
20 November 1674 William Templeman Senr
3 September 1682 William Templeman
3 January 1692 William Templeman
12 May 1696 William Templeman
29 May 1699 William Templeman 
8 September 1670 Alice Templeman Wyfe of Danll
24 February 1654 An Templeman
2 April 1671 An Templeman Wyfe of William
10 August 1670 Anis? Templeman

26 December 1654 Catharine Templeman
27 December 1670 Catharine Templeman Wyfe of John
26 August 1696 Christable Templeman

5 February 1664 Christian Templeman Wid
6 September 1669 Edith Templeman

12 May 1696 Elinor Templeman
5 April 1668 Elizabeth Templeman Wyfe of Richard
25 December  1684 Elizabeth Templeman Als Cooper
31 October 1694 Elizabeth Templeman

31 October 1697 Elizabeth Templeman
27 December 1698 Fortune Templeman
14 June 1668 Gwen? Templeman Wyfe of Daniell
19 January 1667 Hellen Templeman Wyfe of Giles

10 May 1680 Joan Templeman
21 May 1695 Katharine Templeman
6 February 1678 Mary Templeman Widow of William
31 October 1683 Mary Templeman

13 December 1687 Mary Templeman
1 April 1683 Philippa Templeman

14 February 1697 Susanna Templeman 

Templeman in Merriott in the 18th Century

The Somerset Record Office holds the following item:
DDMR/53:  Merriott deeds.
Settlement previous to marriage of Edward Brown of Coomb Farm in Crewkerne and Elizabeth, widow of Robert Templeman of Merriott.  One deed relates to land belonging to the Templeman family and recites settlement previous to marriage of Robert Templeman and the above Elizabeth, daughter of William Hallett of Henly in Crewkerne.   Dated 1732.


22 November 1716 William Templeman m Mary Wills
3 May 1757 Richard Templeman Ann or Agnes Boles/Bolas
2 April 1765 William Templeman m Mary Walldon
8 October 1771 Giles Templeman m Christian Murley
11 June 1774 Giles Templeman widower, of Somerton m Francis Brownsell
25 November 1783 Robert Templeman m Mary Brown
31 May 1794 William Templeman m Martha Shutler 
23 February 1704 Jane Templeman m Thomas French
2 July 1717 Joan Templeman m Stephen Hooper
27 March 1732 Eliz Templeman m William Brown * see note above re marriage settlement.
12 August 1746 Joan Templeman m Robert Bartlett
16 July  1773 Sarah Templeman Peter Vanderhorven (Rotterdam)
4 June 1783 Ann Templeman m John Yeatman (Oakford Fitzpain)

BAPTISMS (and Burials where indicated)

John Templeman Baptism 18 July 1711 Ann
John & Mary Templeman Baptism 10 May 1709 John
Baptism 18 July 1711 Ann
Baptism 1 February 1714 Katharine
Baptism 31 January 1717 Richard
Burial 2 February 1717 Richard
Baptism 29 December 1719 Richard
Burial 22 August 1720 Richard
Thomas & Sarah Templeman Baptism 25 July 1716 Thomas
William Templeman Burial 24 July 1720 Sarah William
Thomas & Elizabeth/Betty Templeman Baptism 20 December 1728 Giles Baptism 15 December 1731 Christian
John & Susanna Templeman Baptism 12 March 1733 John
Baptism 28 March 1739 Susanah
Baptism 19 September 1735 Robert
John Templeman Burial 6 February 1737 John Burial 9 November 1742 John
Thomas & Unice/Unis/Uniss Templeman Baptism 16 May 1736 William
Baptism 17 August 1738 Mary
Baptism 5 April 1741 Thomas
Thomas & Sarah Templeman Baptism 5 August 1741 Giles
Burial 1 September 1742 Giles
Baptism 6 October 1743 Sarah
Baptism 1 May 1748 Giles
Baptism 21 March 1750 Mary
Baptism 18 July 1751 John
Baptism 18 April 1755 Robert Adams
Baptism 29 March 1757 Mary
Richard & Agness (nee Boles/Bolas)
Baptism 14 August 1758 Ann
Burial 14 August 1758 Ann
Baptism 24 September 1759 Richard
Baptism 3 September 1761 John
Thomas & Unice Templeman Burial 3 November 1769 Mary
Giles & Francis (nee Brownsell) Templeman Baptism 26 December 1778 John
William & Mary Templeman Baptism 15 January 1779 Ann
Robert & Mary (nee Brown) Templeman Baptism 24 May 1784 Thomas
Baptism 29 May 1786 Sarah 
Burial 10 November 1786 Thomas
Baptism 2 November 1800 John Marsh
William & Martha (nee Shutler) Templeman Baptism  18 June 1797 Thomas Baptism  7 March 1798 Giles


A lengthy notation is included in the Merriott Parish Registers in 1793, after the entry on Feb 5 for the burial of Richard TEMPLEMAN.  The vicar wrote the following:

” NB  John Templeman obtained my permission to make a vault beneath his pew for the internment of his brother Richard Templeman, and likewise had a faculty from Wells for that pew and vault adjoining the 7th… (illegible) pillar on the right hand as you enter the Church for which privilege he paid me five guineas.

NB  No sooner had Mr Templeman been indulged in his wishes respecting the pew and vault than he raises his pew about a foot higher than the other pews in the same direction, which has much obstructed my seeing the congregation – I observed to him the impropriety of his elevating his pew, as no such grant was given him in the faculty – to which he replied he would raise it and I might do my worst.  In consequence of this impertinence I had the pew lowered to the size of those before & behind it. NB  The pew behind Mr Templeman’s between it and the door has no concern with the faculty – but belongs to the Parish at large.”


4 October 1724 Bernard Templeman
5 February 1783 Francis Templeman
24 April 1705 Giles Templeman
11 May 1710 Giles Templeman
8 June 1717 Giles Templeman
6 April 1781 Giles Templeman
31 May 1783 Giles Templeman
12 October 1724 John Templeman Snr
29 June 1758 John Templeman
5 December 1791 John Templeman
19 March 1737 Nicholas Templeman
18 February 1726 Richard Templeman
19 May 1772 Richard Templeman
5 February 1793 Richard Templeman
3 May 1729 Robert Templeman
29 October 1779 Robt Templeman
8 June 1759 Thomas Templeman
4 February 1773 Thomas Templeman
19 January 1779 Thomas Templeman
1 November 1703 William Templeman
1 August 1741 William Templeman
6 February 1780 William Templeman
5 January 1785 William Templeman
5 June 1794 William Templeman
5 June 1781 Alice Templeman
8 April 1791 Ann Templeman
21 March 1735 Dorothy Templeman
13 January 1706 Edith Templeman
28 October 1733 Eliz Templeman
2 January 1731 Fortune Templeman Leckey?
15 January 1731 Fortune Templeman
6 October 1765 Fortune Templeman
3 May 1711 Joan Templeman Wife of Will
22 August 1731 Joan Templeman
15 June 1764 Katharine Templeman
26 October 1712 Lydia Templeman
7 March 1798 Martha Templeman
19 January 1701 Mary Templeman
28 May 1719 Mary Templeman
17 January 1730 Mary Templeman
9 January 1741 Mary Templeman
8 March 1749 Mary Templeman
12 April 1758 Mary Templeman
14 February 1812 Mary Templeman
12 November 1705 Sarah Templeman
17 February 1717 Sarah Templeman
19 May 1769 Sarah Templeman, widow
15 March 1792 Sarah Templeman
1 January 1748 Susannah Templeman

TEMPLEMAN in Merriott in the 19th Century


21 May 1801 William Templeman m Ann Higgins (Crewkerne) [Witness: John Higgins]
10 December 1804 Mary Templeman m William Rendall (Hinton St George) [Witness: Hannah Murly]
10 November 1818 Mary Templeman m John Barnes
19 September 1822 Sarah Templeman m Samuel Brown * Note: I believe this Sarah is daughter of Robert Templeman & Mary Brown,
bapt 29 May 1876.  She is listed as an independent widow in the 1861 census for Merriott’s Ford, Crewkerne, along with a daughter, Elizabeth, aged 32.

BAPTISMS 1801 to early 1876

John & Prudence Templeman Baptism 17 November 1802 Richard Abraham
Baptism 17 November 1802 John
Richard & Sophia Templeman, of Dormanton,
Baptism 11 July 1832 Richard Draper
[Note: Baptism performed by R A Templeman in his capacity as “officiating minister” for a short period around this
time]  See also: All Saints Church

Note:  An Alex Templeman was also noted in the records as  an occasional officiating minister in the Parish Records 1832 to 1867.

The Somerset Record Office holds the following item:
Release of trust by Richard Draper Templeman of Merriott, Esq., and Sophia Frances Templeman of the same, spinster, under the terms of the marriage settlement of the Rev. R A Templeman, Deceased.  Dated 1853.



5 July 1803 Robert Templeman * Will exists
31 March 1804 Robert Templeman
19 April 1804 Giles Templeman
1 May 1804 Thomas Templeman
27 September 1811 John Templeman * Will exists
6 September 1843 Giles Templeman 76 Seaborough * Will exists
8 January 1821 John Templeman 42 South Perrott
13 March 1841 Richard Abraham Templeman 40 Merriott * Will exists
27 March 1823 William Templeman 57 Seaborough
20 June 1814 Agnes Templeman 80 Merriott
26 March 1839 Betty Templeman 74 Sth Perrott
26 October 1838 Christiana Templeman 92 Merriott
27 October 1813 Mary Templeman 53 Merriott
25 August 1853 Prudence Templeman 84 Merriott * Will exists

Wills at The National Archives

The Will of John Templeman, 16 January 1812.  Reference:  PROB  11/1529 The Will of Reverend John Templeman, Clerk of Lopen, Somerset 4 Sept 1835
Reference: PROB 11/1852
The Will of Robert Templeman, Gentleman of Merriott, 14 Nov 1815  PROB 11/1574
The Will of Susana, otherwise Susan Templeman, spinster of Merriott 8 June 1816 PROB 11/1581
The Will of Prudence Templeman, Widow of Merriott, 10 March 1854  PROB 11/2188
The Will of the Reverend Richard Abraham Templeman, Clerk of Merriott, 26 Sep 1842  PROB 11/1968
The Will of Giles Templeman, Yeoman of Seaborough, Somerset, 20 Dec 1843  PROB 11/1990
The Will of John Templeman, Gentleman of Merriott, 24 July 1855  PROB 11/2217

Wills at the Somerset Records Office

Will of Agnes Templeman 1813 Merriott
Probate of the Will of the Rev. John Templeman of Lopen, Clerk.  Dated 1832, proved 1835  DDMKG/6.  This reference also has the sale particulars of Monks House in Merriott, 1919, and estate duty papers arising out of the same property (Templeman Family) Dated 1914-1916.

CENSUS records

1841 Templeman’s Lane Templeman John 39 Solicitor Born Somerset
Templeman Prudence 73 Ind Born Somerset
1851 Borough of Monkhoods Templeman Robert Nephew U 23 Farmer 100 acres emp 6 labourers Born Som, Crewkerne.
[Note: Robert is living with Mary Barnes, a widow of  53 , a Landed proprietor Born Som, West Lydford, and her daughter Anna, aged 22, unmarried, Born Nicholas St. Mary, Somerset.  Mary was most likely the Mary Templeman
who married John Barnes in Merriott in 1818]
1851 Templeman’s Lane Templeman John Head U 48 Solicitor Born Som, Merriott
Templeman Prudence Mother W 83 Annuitant Born Som, Whitelackington
Templeman Sophia Frances Niece U 21 Landed Proprietor Som, Bathwick?
1851 Broadway Templeman William Head U 54 Formerly Solicitor? Born Som, West Chinnock

There were no further mentions of TEMPLEMANs in the 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 or 1911 censuses of Merriott.

TEMPLEMAN in Merriott in the 20th Century

No marriages are noted;  the Baptismal records don’t go up this far.  Only one burial:

1952 Lottie Templeman aged 53 of 1 Hitchen, Merriott Officiating Minister: Leslie J Groves, Methodist Minister