02 MLHG Village Archive

Merriott Local History Group
Digital Archive 2014 –
02. Village Archive

This list

02_02 An Ancient English Village
A comprehensive history of Merriott, written and first published in 1961. Richmond Munn

02_03 The Mert Man
The Merriott man of long ago. Excerpt from Somerset Life and Character 1924. W G Willis Watson

02_04 Echoes From The Land Of Utch
 The unique Merriott dialect of yesterday: Dr John Smith, former lecturer in German at Bath University. Specially interested in local dialect

02_05 Nut Tree Farm
 Nut Tree Farm and the Brake family

02_06 Pumps Taps Wells And Springs
The remnants of the domestic water supply that existed prior to the installation of water mains

02_07 Early Street Lighting
 The village had street lighting, long before there was a gas or electricity mains supply

02_08 Old Signposts
 Old cast iron sign posts, some of which have probably been in position around the village since the early days of motoring

02_09 Tail Mill Down All The Years
An overview of the history of Tail Mill

02_10 Boundary Stones
 A record of large stones dotted around the parish, believed to have once been boundary stones

02_11 Scott's Nurseries
A few notes, plus photos of the derelict site

02_12 Merriott Turnpike
 An overview of the probable development and decline of the turnpike at Merriottsford

02_13 Hitchen In The Early 1900s
 Hitchen before the estate was built

02_14 Gospel Hall, A Brief History
 A history of the sole survivor of four village chapels

02_15 Bowling Club Early History
 A summary of the early days of the bowling club

02_16 The Wandering Dumb Boy Saga
In the spring of 2012, ‘somebody’ saw fit to authorise the removal of an ancient dumb boy!

02_17 Early Social Housing
The first village social houses, or council houses, were built in 1925.  The Local Authority at that time was Chard Rural District Council.

02_18 The Village Lockup
Grade II listed.  Believed to be late 18th Century.

02_19 St Catherine's Lodge - Laurel Bakery
St Catherine’s Lodge, Lower Street.  Formerly the last village bakery.  Grade II listed, built in the 19th century but in a 17th century style.

02_20 Anglican Sunday School
The ‘Little School’, built in 1834, originally a Sunday School, later a National Day School and still in use today (2014).

02_21 Churchyard Chest Tombs
The chest tombs in the churchyard, commemorating the lives of members of the late 17th and early 18th centuries.