Brewers and Maltsters

Other Maltsters & Brewers & their Families

1841 census GREENHAM, Joseph 65 (died March 1851) Maltster GREENHAM, Joan 65; Richard 25 Hinton Rd, Merriott
1851 census GREENHAM, Samuel 34 (son of Joseph, above) Maltster (in later censuses a Stoker at the Sail Cloth Factory) GREENHAM, Betsy 34; Francis 11; Elizabeth 10; Martha 10;
Thomas 4; Walter 2; DAW Mary 65 (mother-in-law)
Lower St, Merriott
1841 census FARR, James 34 Brewer FARR, Sarah 35; Elizabeth 9; Alfred 5; Henry 2 Lower St, Merriott
1869 FARR, James (same person as above) Brewer’s Man At time of marriage of son Henry Farr Not given
1841 census ROUSELL, Henry 26 Brewer Journeyman; a Brewer also in 1842 & 1844, Baker in 1850, and Ag. Lab in 1851 ROUSELL, Hannah 50; Sarah 20; Esther 15; Robert 12; Martha 9. Lower St, Merriott
1851 census WEBBER, William W 30 Nurseryman & Brewer employing 16 hands; 1861 Wine Merchant; 1891 retired Wine Merchant WEBBER, Dorcas Ann, 25; Rose 1; Dorcas Ann 1month.  Town’s End, Merriott
1861 census UGLOW, William 50 Maltster (from Cornwall) UGLOW, Margaret 50; John 15; Becamond 12; Edmund 10;
Elizabeth 6
Lower St, Merriott
1871 census FRENCH, Josias 74 Retired Brewer (previously a Miller) FRENCH, Rebecca 67; John 14 (grandson, born Exeter, Devon) Broadway, Merriott
1881 census LACY, James 39 Brewer’s Carter; otherwise Ag Lab LACY, Sarah 36 Broadway, Merriott

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