Pattemores 17C and18C

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Pattemores in Merriott – 17th & 18th Centuries

17th Century      18th Century

Earliest Mentions in the Parish Records

The first Pattemore family to appear in the Merriott records was that of Aaron & Mary in the late 17th century.   If anyone knows where Aaron & Mary came from, there are numerous Pattemore researchers who would love to know! 


Diane Ellisor has transcribed mentions of Pattemores in the records of Haselbury Plucknett which pre-date those of Merriott.    Have a look at this page.   While there is nothing so certain as a marriage between an Aaron & a Mary, nor a baptism of an Aaron Pattemore, the fact of the burial of one Aaron “Padimore” on 7 October 1769 is of particular interest.  Now all we need to do is link the two Aarons conclusively.   If anyone wants to scour the Haselbury records again, please share anything additional you may find!

 In the early records the name was variously spelt as PADEMORE, PADDEMORE, PATEMORE, PATTEMORE, PADIMORE etc.  For the purposes of clarity I have always used the PATTEMORE spelling in my computer databases, as it is the spelling used by modern day PATTEMOREs around Merriott.  The other present-day spelling of PATTIMORE was used by the Guernsey and some of the Welsh emigrants.


Aaron & Mary PATTEMORE Baptism  16 July 1689 Mary
Baptism  5 September 1692 John
Birth  18 April 1696 Micael
Burial 7 June 1696 John
Baptism  5 February 1698 Sarah
Birth  4 February 1698 Sarah
Baptism  2 February 1701 Jane
Birth  2 February 1701 Tamzine
Burial 4 February 1702 Tamzine
Baptism  4 March 1703 John
Birth  4 March 1703 John
Baptism  21 March 1707 Tamazine
Burial  9 September 1711 Tamzin


15th or 18th January 1698 Honnor Pattemore (Spelt Padimore) m  Richard Balsh or Calsh or Caleh

One could speculate that Honnor was a sister of Aaron.  No record of marriage of Aaron to Mary has been found; whether Mary was a local girl or arrived with Aaron is something we may never know.  Perhaps the family had been there a while before 1689, although there is no record of any burials for older members of the family such as the parents of Aaron. 

The onlyother parish record entry for an unexplained PATTEMORE in the early days was the following:

Baptism 6 March 1719 Joan, of Nicholas & Susanna PATTEMORE.

So far the only other large group of Pattemores we have found that we cannot connect back to Aaron & Mary in Merriott were a family in London in the early 1800s.   These Pattemores were actually misspelt PATMOREs from Much Hadham in Hertfordshire.   I had thought that perhaps our Pattemores were also misspelt PATMOREs from the same area.  I even found an Aaron & Mary PATMORE, but unfortunately they were also baptising children in Herts during the same period as our Aaron & Mary.  Also, the great distance between Hertfordshire and Somerset would be a negative against this theory.

So, at the moment, the origins of Aaron & Mary are still not certain. Any ideas welcome!               

Wherever they came from, the family of Aaron & Mary flourished in Merriott  to become the fourth most common surname in Merriott by the time of the 19th century censuses, accounting fpr just over 6% of the population. 

The Somerset Record Office holds the following:
Q/SR/303/14:  Informations.   Evidence given by John Baker of Kingsbury Episcopi, yeoman, and Michael Paddimore, of Merriott, husbandman, in a case concerning the alleged theft of a considerable quantity of slow coal from Baker by John Podger of Kingsbury Episcopi.   Refers also to Mrs Gibbs at Thorney in Kingsbury Episcopi and William Staple of Merriott.
JP:  William Speke.  Dated 24 January 1729/30.

The 18th Century


3 May 1725 Michael Pattemore, of Merriott m Ann Patten, of Merriott
23 May 1726 John Pattemore, of Merriott m Joan Patten, of Merriott
5 April 1752 John Pattemore m Ann England
18 October 1755 William Pattemore m Elizabeth Stone
23 October 1759 Joseph Pattemore m Elizabeth Eason
5 January 1764 Robert Pattemore m Mary Lacy?
13 January 1766 Michael Pattemore m Jane Lawrence
1 August 1777 Robert Pattemore m Joan Osborne
19 October 1778 John Pattemore m Elizabeth Lacy
6 October 1778 Joseph Pattemore m Honour Lawrence
17 January 1780 Thomas Pattemore m Margaret Stone
9 May 1785 James Pattemore m Maria Lawrence
18 June 1793 John Pattemore m Hannah Wills
8 October 1793 Jonathan Pattemore m Susanna Douch
23 February 1800 Jonathan Pattemore m Sarah Rousell
11 May 1719 Sarah Pattemore m John Marriefield
3 May 1757 Ann Pattemore m John Rousell
10 (no month given) 1758 Mary Pattemore m Joseph Paul
11 February 1759 Joan Pattemore m Gideon Eason
15 April 1760 Mary Pattemore m James French
27 June 1784 Elizabeth Pattemore m William Wills
7 November 1784 Mary Pattemore
m Thomas Cribb (Kingsbury)
28 August 1787 Ann Pattemore m John Osborne
27 September 1790 Fanny Pattemore m John Trask
9 August 1790 Ann Pattemore m John Shutler
27 December 1790 Sarah Pattemore m Gideon Eason
8 February 1791 Joanna Pattemore m George Parker
22 May  1792 Ruth Pattemore m Anthony Wills
29 December 1794 Mary Pattemore m Joseph Hooper
26 December 1796 Edith Pattemore m John Farr
20 February 1798 Ann Pattemore m Joseph Hallett (West Chinnock)
11 February 1799 Catherine Pattemore m Joseph Trask           

BAPTISMS (some of these were very difficult to read).

Nicholas & Susanna PATTEMORE Baptism 6 March 1719 Joan
Michael & Ann (nee Patten) PATTEMORE Baptism  25 March 1726 Ann
Baptism  30 March 1728 Michael
Burial  1 November 1730 Anne
Baptism  13 January 1731 Anne
Baptism  24 March 1733 Aaron
Baptism  29 January 1735 Mary
Burial  21 May 1738 Aaron
Baptism  27 December 1740 Aaron
John & Joan (nee Patten) PATTEMORE Baptism  25 March 1727 John
Baptism  18 July 1731 William
Baptism  13 January 1733 Joan

Note: John’s wife Joan died in 1735, and I believe John remarried Mary Patten (see below)
John & Mary (nee Patten) PATTEMORE Baptism  16 May 1736 Joseph
Burial  14 May 1736 Joseph
Burial  27 June 1736 Robert
Baptism  18 March 1737 Mary?
Baptism  20 October 1741 Robert
Baptism  20 November 1743 James
Burial  13 January 1743  James
Baptism  26 September 1745 Sarah
Baptism  ? October 1748 James
Burial  6 November 1749 James
John & Ann (nee England) PATTEMORE Baptism  28 October 1753 Robert
Baptism  1 June 1755 Thomas
Baptism  4 July 1757 Joseph
Baptism  12 January 1761 Samuel
Burial 6 June 1762 Samuel
Baptism  19 June 1763 Samuel
Baptism  5 January 1766 Anne
Baptism  8 May 1768 John
Baptism  8 September 1771 Ruth
Joseph & Elizabeth (nee Eason) PATTEMORE Baptism  18 May 1760 Mary
Baptism  10 October 1762 Joseph
Baptism  14 April 1765 Joanna
Baptism  31 May 1767 Jonathan
Baptism  15 March 1770 Sampson
Burial  25 March 1770 Sampson
Baptism  19 May 1771 Fanny
Robert & Mary (nee Lacy?) PATTEMORE Baptism  30 September 1764 Robert
Baptism  8 June 1769 John
Burial  17 December 1769 John
Baptism  4 November 1770 Mary
Baptism  16 May 1773 Maria
Baptism  19 March 1775 Sampson
Baptism  1 April 1777 John
Baptism  17 May 1779 Charlotte
Baptism  6 August 1782 Hannah
Robert & Elizabeth PATTEMORE Baptism  26 October 1766 Richard  Note: possibly a mistake, and
actually meant to be Robert & Mary PATTEMORE
Michael & Jane (nee Lawrence) PATTEMORE Baptism  25 January 1767 Ann
Baptism  5 November 1770 Rosanne
Burial  26 December 1772 Rosannah
William & Elizabeth (nee Stone) PATTEMORE Baptism  12 April 1752 William
Baptism  24 February 1754 Susannah
Baptism  25 September 1756 John
Baptism  27 May 1759 James
Baptism  25 January 1761 Elizabeth
Baptism  14 August 1763 Joan
Baptism  15 June 1766 Sarah
Baptism  13 May 1770 Matthew
Robert & Ann PATTEMORE Baptism 1 April 1778 Susannah Note:  ? actually
Robert & Joan PATTEMORE
Robert & Joan (nee Osborne) PATTEMORE Baptism  25 July 1779 Ruth
Baptism  25 November 1783 John
Burial  20 January 1784 John
Baptism  9 May 1785 John
Baptism  14 March 1787 Joan
Baptism  23 August 1789 Jesse
John & Elizabeth (nee Lacy) PATTEMORE Baptism  5 September 1779 Katherine
Baptism  26 November 1781 Sarah
Baptism  9 February 1785 Sarah
Baptism  9 April 1787 William
Baptism  24 December 1789 Martha
Baptism  22 July 1792 Susanna
Baptism  31 May 1795 Robert
Baptism  2 July 1797 Susanna
Baptism  28 September 1800 Sarah
Joseph & Honour (nee Lawrence) PATTEMORE Baptism  19 July 1780 Joan
Baptism  1 September 1785 Joseph
Baptism  15 January 1779 Ann
Burial  24 March 1789 Samuel
James & Hannah PATTEMORE Burial  19 November 1780 Joan
Thomas & Margaret (nee Stone) PATTEMORE Baptism  5 July 1780 Margaret
Burial  16 December 1781 Thomas
Baptism  13 April 1783 Charlotte
Baptism  19 November 1784 Thomas
Baptism  22 March 1789 Charity
Burial  30 April 1786 Samuel
Baptism  22 July 1787 Ann
Joseph (a Gardener)  & Elizabeth PATTEMORE Baptism  28 May 1781 Jane
Burial  16 November 1781 Jane
Baptism  8 August 1784 Giles
Baptism  22 November 1801 Josias
Baptism  6 October 1805 Jesse
Baptism  19 June 1808 Peter
Baptism 18 April 1813 Elizabeth
John & Mary PATTEMORE Burial  1 March 1786 Sarah
James & Maria (nee Lawrence)  PATTEMORE Burial  5 March 1786 Matthew
Baptism  18 February 1787 Sarah
Baptism  8 November 1789 James
Baptism  8 March 1793 Thomas

Note: Maria died 1795.
John & Hannah (nee Wills) PATTEMORE Baptism  1 June 1794 Samuel
Baptism  3 October 1795 Ann
Baptism  18 June 1797 Samuel
Baptism  5 May 1799 Thomas
Baptism  10 May 1801 Edward
Jonathan (a Labourer) & Sarah (nee Rousell) PATTEMORE Baptism  23 November 1800 Joanna
Baptism  25 December 1802 Christian
Baptism  22 December 1805 John
Baptism 2 August 1807 Mary
Baptism  7 June 1810 Elizabeth
Baptism  9 May 1812 Jonathan
22 May 1814 Elizabeth
22 December 1816 Giles


15 October 1727 Aaron Pattemore
12 January 1766 John Pattemore
6 April 1783 John Pattemore
19 January 1796 Joseph Pattemore
19 October 1749 Michael Pattemore
18 October 1800 Michael Pattemore
4 May 1794 Robert Pattemore Pauper
23 November 1794 Sampson Pattemore
13 October 1795 Samuel Pattemore
22 December 1793 Thomas Pattemore Pauper
25 October 1795 Thomas Pattemore
9 December 1797 Thomas Pattemore
17 September 1790 William Pattemore 
1 February 1795 Alice Pattemore
25 November 1727 Ann Pattemore
23 May 1773 Ann Pattemore Widow
7 April 1782 Ann Pattemore 
14 June 1789 Jane Pattemore Pauper
27 July 1735 Joan Pattemore 
3 December 1790 Joan Pattemore Pauper
21 March 1789 Margaret Pattemore Pauper
6 December 1795 Maria Pattemore
22 December 1728 Mary Pattemore
16 December 1781 Mary Pattemore
14 September 1794 Sabra Pattemore
25 November 1781 Sarah Pattemore
8 September 1799 Sarah Pattemore
7 September 1785 Susanna Pattemore Supposed to be poisoned by eating toadstools for mushrooms
12 April 1795 Susanna Pattemore
20 October 1795 Susanna Pattemore 

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